PA: (610) 544-2110 | NJ: (609) 594-4900 | DE: (302) 268-6105

Group Therapy

Group therapy provides an opportunity for interpersonal learning and emotional growth in a supportive environment. We are pleased to provide several adolescent and adult therapy groups for our clients.

Our adolescent groups provide support for teens who are struggling with depression, anxiety, self-esteem, family difficulties, peer problems, relationship issues, bullying, school adjustment, and life transitions.

We offer diverse adult groups that cover a wide range of topics such as depression, anxiety, self-esteem, family conflict, anger, parenting, friendships, or life transitions. In addition, there are specialized groups available that target the development of specific skills as well as provide support from others with similar concerns.

Please note: Due to covid, our outpatient groups are currently functioning via telehealth only.

Current Therapy Groups and locations:

Springfield Office

Young Women’s Group:  18-27 years old
Every other Monday 6:00-7:00 pm (Accepting New Members!!)
For young women to cope with everyday life
Issues:  Building self-efficacy, managing and coping with anxiety and depression, self-discovery, life transitions and choices, and setting boundaries in relationships.  Supportive and psycho-educational.
Lee Lucas, LCSW – voicemail x706

Coming Soon: A new look and feel to your patient telehealth experience!